Other books

There are not very many publishers of books with aviation humour and cartoons in the world. Next to Martin Leeuwis there is one in Austria/USA, another one in Australia and one in Germany. A few more exist and we will try to get them to join the Federation of Publishers of Aviation Humour, mainly in your advantage as we try to avoid the very high intercontinental shipping costs. All publishers will sell eachother books at a friendly price.

Chicken Wings – Austria / USA

The First Book (2005)

Full Throttle (2006)

Think Big (2008)

Gold Rush (2012)

My first airplane colouring book (2007)
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Swamp Productions – Australia

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Swamp Tour (1993)
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Swamp Tour 2 (1996)
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Ding Duck (1989)

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Full power Ding Duck (2000)
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I want to fly (2012)
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Rudi Roedig – Germany

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Pilots don’t just fall from heaven (2011)

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Chris Manno – USA

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Mach Speed Tumbleweed (2014)
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Flight Crew like You (2014)
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